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Inaba - Samegawa Flood Plain - January 14th, 2010. IC Time: 5:00 PM.

(((Akimoto Nagamori poses.)))
The Shrine of the Samegawa River.

Now, as always it was a river that was supposedly erected to the river itself, accepting it's prayers and worship. It was a beautiful shrine, overlooking the river below with various functional shrubbery on the water side of the river. Akimoto was it's caretaker, and while she normally was personally one to take care of things... but she was literally swamped in customers. She had various Miko's working to up keep the shrine today, while a rather surprisingly long line of customers came for a chance to buy a love charm. Internally bemused that such a thing would become reality so fast, Akimoto could not pass up her fortune. Go with the flow, and live for the moment.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Takahisa Kandori is standing by the shores of the Samegawa in swimming trunks and a t-shirt. He seems uninterested in the love charms. His legs are quite pale.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Once again, in Inaba, Yoh trots along with map in hand. Now, today was his allotted day to check out Port Island, but he had heard something from tourists that something was happening at the river's edge.

Of course, being his father, curiosity attacks him fiercely, and before long he found himself at nearly the same spot he was at a few days back, when that strange kid showed him, Hamada-san, and Ichikawa-sensei the aqua Lite Brite. As the boy passed the spot, he couldn't help but look out at the water where he saw it. It was definitely up there on the list of things that would make you say, 'What the crap?'.

Seeing some folks leave a nearby... shrine? Is that a shrine? Since when are they that popular? Yoh decides to investigate. As he approaches. He swore he saw a man out at the river's bank that seemed familiar. Something else for him to check out after seeing what the deal was up at this location.

(((Megumi Mushikabe poses.)))
Inaba wasn't usually a place that Meggy would be seen in. Mostly because there simply wasn't a whole lot to see around here from what she'd been told by just about anyone. As far as she could tell, this was mostly true as well, but she hadn't really come here to do sightseeing anyway. Of course it had been certain rumors that had brought her here in the first place, but hopefully no one would realize that. It was kind of embarrassing after all.

"Huh... So this is it?" Mumbles she to herself as she eyes the shrine. It looked rather well from what she could tell. Was that a good sign? Or a bad one? She would err on the side of the former given the first impressions, but one never really knew. That aside, she had no idea who to ask about these 'charms'. This was her first time here after all.

(((Akimoto Nagamori poses.)))
More people! Akimoto was very surprised, her face was concealed by a cowl, and most of the town seemed to suspect this aspect of the priestess...the alternative was much much discomforting for most of the Inabians. "Hello! Welcome to my humble shrine!" Akimoto says, pulling away from her spot at the counter. There would be a Miko to handle the customers by herself. "Have you come to pray? Of course..." She says, motioning to the water basin. "Please purify yourselves first, and we can go over to the prayer box." Akimoto says, waving towards the prayer box and rope. "If it is charms...please still perform prayer and purification, the charms work best when the Kami are appeased."

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Today was going to be a very, very bad day.

A year ago, Thora Kobayashi would not have put much stock in superstition. Myths and religions were just entertaining things to read about, like pirates made of rubber and and masters of the North Star fist. These days, though, Thora knew the power a superstition could have and has seen first hand the kind of demons that rumors could create. Back on New Years, she received a horrible fortune, advising against risk taking lest disaster ensue. Of hearing of the fortune charms being peddled by the river, Thora had to investigate and procure one for herself.

She actually didn't care so much about the love charms. She, surprisingly, didn't need them. As she makes her way to the riverbed, her mood is already in a very foul state thanks to earlier exchanged words. As she neared the little stall, her approach began to slow, a low growl vibrating in the back of her throat.

She may have realized that the charms seller was Akimoto. She may have noticed that Kandori's lazily hanging out in the freaking river over there. Or worse, she may have noticed both things. It's easy enough to notice her, distinctive in appearance and carrying a resonance she couldn't hide.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Takahisa Kandori is still staring into the river. Very slowly, he removes something long from inside one pocket of his shorts.

It looks like a carbon fiber rod. Fishing? He unfolds it, slowly. Slowly it forms... a cage shape? Then Kandori picks up four sheets apparently laying on the bank of the river.

Yes, he just pulled an aquarium frame out of his pants. SEBEC: Making Life More Convenient For Monsters. He is now slotting glass into place.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
A kind voice is heard, coming from what looks like a veiled woman, as he approaches the shrine. It did look wonderful, and well kempt. He was used to praying at shrines, as after consulting therapists, that becoming spiritual does help relieve much stress. As such, he commonly visits the shrine in Lunarvale.

The purification process was similar, and for once, he didn't feel out of his element, beginning to relax and meditate upon himself and his actions. He follows in behind others, waiting his turn.

But... what was this she was talking about 'charms' and such? Is that what was drawing everyone? Seems like most folks here are coming for misguided reasons. Of course once his prayers are done he would investigate more. See what all the ruckus was about. He ruffles his hair to re-assume its... unusual positioning before stepping forward more.

(((Megumi Mushikabe poses.)))
"Oh! Uhm..." Meggy is surprised when the priestess addresses her and someone else. Who the other one is, she isn't sure. It's certainly not anyone she's familiar with though. "Y-yeah I was thinking of getting one. F-for a friend of course..." It was too embarrassing to admit that it was really for her, but anyone with half a brain would likely notice how badly she was lying there.

"I'll uhm... do that then." She wanders over to where the priestess was pointing and does as suggested, putting a small donation in the box as well. Not a lot, but she hoped it was enough. "So about those charms... What do they cost?" Asks she and looks towards the veiled priestess. Why was the woman veiled? It was a rather curious thing, but it was probably best to not ask about it.

(((Akimoto Nagamori poses.)))
Akimoto regarded her new guests pleasantly enough.

Though a shadow might come over her for a moment, regarding Thora entering the Shrine. However, it is quickly gone, moving to assist and answer questions. The tone of the Priestess was light, as she nodded...no judgement on donation was made...sometimes you have to live within your means...and anything was better than nothing. "Now that you have cleansed yourself of your impurity, and made your offering to the Kami..." She says, walking back towards the shrine store. It was more like a shack, with various charms in it. "All of these are homemade myself or those I have shown the secret to correctly bending the chi to best channel the influences of the world...but apparently my love charms are the most popular!" She says, with a small laugh.

"As for their cost, a mere nine hundred yen (about nine bucks) for a chance to find your soulmate." She says, looking to both of them.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
What happens in the next few seconds becomes crucial. Thora silently regards Kandori as he sticks his hands down his pants, then Akimoto when she gives her the slightest of shadowed looks before returning to her customers. Silently, the customers engrossed in the fortune charms are studied as well, then the array of charms offered. All the while, that aggression doesn't fade.

Abruptly, Thora springs into action, taking off like a dog pursuing a rabbit. She's unsettlingly silent as she moves, no howls of anger or indignant, judgmental shouting escaping her lips. Her eyes have gone wild, almost inhuman in their current state.

Thora runs to the riverbank and leaps off the edge, hurling herself at Kandori's back with open arms. Her entire weight is brought to bear against the SEBEC CEO with the blatant intent to knock him flat on his face.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Kandori falls through the cage, which explodes into a hundred pieces, glass stabbing upward into Kandori's chest as he hits the ground. He makes a decent showing, managing to bear Thora up a little, but the girl has him on size AND heft.

He has no blade in hand. But, there's something... where he's bleeding from the glass wounds, something black is dribbling out.

As Kandori struggles under Thora's bulk, the blood begins fountaining upward to form a cloud over Kandori and Thora. Slowly, it begins to rain something. Small, blacklight-glowing bodies. Pixies. Hundreds of tiny pixies made of the ichor flowing from Kandori's chest. Each one appears to be screaming.

Then, tendrils of blackness shoot from one to the next, pulling the pixies together into a big ball of, let's face it, ick. What emerges is wholly black, emerging from the sea of Kandori's soul.

The sea of Kandori's soul is apparently full of crude oil. So, like the real sea, in some parts of the world. DAMN YOU BP.

The pixie that emerges flutters down toward Thora's face where she's on top of Kandori and tries to blow her OFF the CEO with blades of wind.

Kandori doesn't appear to care if this effects him as well. It'll get her off. She is heavy. He's having trouble staying breathing, in fact. The pixie's head is eyeless and mostly made of teeth. It vanishes in a puff of WTF and then absorbs back into Kandori's psyche as he tries to rise if this succeeded in getting Thora off his t-shirt is ripped.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Finally finishing with his prayers, he makes a small donation to the shrine, and returns to nearby the priestess, and what looks like a teenage girl near his age. He listens intently to the woman talking.

As she talked about the charms, Yoh couldn't help but let his mind wander. Trinkets to help with quite a few things. Though she mentions about the love charms, Yoh can't help but look down. As, well, he /used/ to have a girlfriend, and everything was going nice. Sadly, transferring schools ended them too far from each other, and had to be ended. He didn't regret it too much, nor thought about it very often, as he has been too busy to occupy himself with such.

"That sounds reasonable." He says with a smile, fishing out his wallet from his back pocket. While he didn't deeply believe in such things, he would enjoy seeing the shrine getting support. He holds out the cash needed toward the priestess. Little does he know what was occurring out of his line of sight. If he saw it, he would likely jump in gladly, pick a side, and start swinging, as he hasn't had a good fight against street punks, fellows at the Dojo, or anyone for that matter for a few days. Well... that is he he didn't know who the contenders were.

(((Megumi Mushikabe poses.)))
Meggy casts a glance towards Thora and moves a bit away. That was certainly one huge as hell woman. She'd never seen a female so tall before.

"900 yen? Hm let me check..." She pulls out her wallet and checks it's inventory. Sure enough she had enough for that and the ticket home today, but it wouldn't leave a whole lot of money left. Still if these charms worked, it was surely worth the money no?

"I'll have one of those charms then." She still can't help but feel silly and embarrassed for even considering this in the first place. This was the 21sth century after all! How could these things possibly work? Then again there things like personae, shadows and those weird demon things from Mikage-Cho. So it was always a possibility that the charm might work... Either way she hands over the money for one of the charms.

(((Akimoto Nagamori poses.)))
Akimoto smiles and accepts the money, putting it into a box that will no doubt be used for only good things.

The charms are distributed, they are small wooden affairs, with very fine symbols carved into them. They are certainly unique, and some of it seems to be designed with a Ki flow in mind. The priestess smiles, until she heard the sounds of a scrum near her shrine... The priestess is seemingly startled, as are some of her Miko's that see the situation. She moves, bowing once to Megumi and Yoh and points to one of her assistants. "Fet me my sealing scrolls." She says, and was back with a small back of white paper, with black letters painted on. Nodding, she moves... "Please pray, maybe we can sooth the raging Kami." She says, with a visible sigh to her words.

"Please stay back, if one of you can contact the police, please do so.." And no doubt people already saw Kandori's little show. Akimoto, walking down unafraid towards what people might ascertain is certain death. "Kami! Foul corruption of the Samegawa! I know your true face, corrupted Guardian! BE CLEANSED!" She shouts, throwing two seal scrolls at both Kandori and Thora, each one aiming for their foreheads.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Size and a bit of surprise, those were two things Thora knew she had working in her advantage. For now at least. She has traded blows with Kandori before, both 'officially' at that Masquerade and possibly unofficially during training sessions. She would have enjoyed those training sessions too if Kandori hadn't insulted her every two minutes. She struggles to keep him down and underwater, putting the weight of her lower body down on his back and her arms on his shoulders.

When black ooze starts to leak out of Kandori's chest, Thora leans away, trying to dodge the questionable ichor that spews upwards unnaturally. It becomes a struggle of her own to not look up in horror at the cloud of gathering pixie demon things above them, though it is a struggle that Thora's aggressions allow her to overcome. Only when that monstrous single pixie gets up in her face does her grip upon him loosen, allowing the oily CEO that precious second to slip free.

When she re-situates herself, her face is bleeding from a cut that mostly originates from her scalp but can be partially found on her forehead as well. Her lips pull back into a sneer worthy of its own macro. "I usually don't give the people I hate what they want." Thora growls in her low voice before suddenly slogging through the water to bring her right fist down upon him in a hammerblow. "But this I can make an exception for. Lucky you."

A sealing scroll sticks against Thora's forehead. While this may be an effective tactic against raging supernatural creatures and demons, it does little to stop Thora's fist. Turns out she's not really an Oni after all.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Kandori gasps as the sealing scroll strikes his forehead, adhering there as with blood. There is a brief flash of light? He begins staggering backwards towards the river. But are those staggers perhaps a bit theatrical?

With a protracted twitching motion, he seems to morph and change. Falling into the river, the figure begins slowly washing downstream, bio-luminescent koi frolicking around the CEO. "Such power!" comes a very spooky sounding voice.

Some people will surely be encouraged to tip their shrine maiden, if she can produce results like THAT.

Splish, splash, CEO rolling. Rolling. Rolling down the river~

Will Thora give chase? Is she fish rather than Oni? Will she play along for the good of the shrine? This is the kind of publicity it's hard to just buy.

In Kandori's mind, thoughts struggle. One is "I think there are koi in my chest wounds." Another is "I wonder if she's gonna follow." Yet another is "These koi would make an /excellent/ appetizer..."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh begins to glance around quickly. What was the priestess talking about? And then he saw it. Fighting! Precious fighting! Before he can even really leave the shrine proper, it looks like it ends with one of the parties falling farther in the river, and going downstream. The boy can't help but emit an audible groan, as the past days, save some strange isolated incidents with other people, have been BORING.

But, now that the fight is for the most part, concluded, he begins to walk back inside the shrine entrance. The necklace he bought was rather lovely, appearing handmade to great quality. Yoh glanced at the other necklace he wore. It is a silver one, with twin Kanjis on it. Together they spelled, 'Gouki', standing for Strength and Fortitude together. Given to him by his grandmother, he can't bear to take it off. he merely tucks it in, and puts on the love charm to wear outside where it is visible. Not sure of how it is possible, he does put it on a time or two incorrectly, causing him to re-apply the necklace, probably looking like a moron in the process.

(((Megumi Mushikabe poses.)))
"Uhm, what was that?" Says she shortly after taking the charm. Did someone scream just now? Who and why? As for calling the police, she can't help with that one. Her cellphone's battery was empty since she'd forgotten to charge it last night, but she doesn't stay to pray however and walks out to see what is going on.

When Meggy walks out to watch the scene, she isn't quite sure if she understands anything of what is happening. The priestess is tossing scrolls and what was those small flying things she'd seen for a few seconds there?

(((Akimoto Nagamori poses.)))
Akimoto watches...inwardly she smiles.

She did not expect the surprise ally in the CEO...however, she disregards the fact that someone she hates so thoroughly has helped her. She backs up, the fight seems to be going away from the Shrine, and what she did was impressive enough. Thora might not have been affected, but the obviously more likely to be evil figure was. "Stay back, it is in the police's hands now!" Akimoto says. "The corrupted guardian of our fair river has shown again. Did you see the scrolls used to seal the evil? They are tailored to the impurity that has gripped our once pristine guardian!" She says, standing up and making sure the crowd could hear her. "The man will be fine, once the charm has a chance to do it's work, and the police will do the rest, unfortunately." Akimoto says, with a bow. "...You." She points to one of her Miko's, "Please hand out the wards against corruption. No cost for these!" She says, and the Miko in question obeys.

Akimoto, staggers a little, one of her Miko's comes to her aid, trying to help the priestess to a bench. Rumors may fly, but those that know of Akimoto's history speak of her pushing herself too hard...and something about an accident or illness sapping her strength.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Over? Over?!


Swinging her head in Akimoto's direction, she reaches up and yanks the paper talisman off her head with a snarl, DRAMATICALLY CRUMPLING THE PAPER IN HER HAND. Maybe Akimoto just needs the extra strength sealing scrolls to deal with this demon. Tossing her hand and the talisman aside, Thora paws through the water in search of her prey, easily picking up on the CEO's blood trail.

She gives chase alright, like hell she actually believes she managed to off Kandori then and there. Hell, she'll even start swimming after him if she has to. The shrine definitely is in no danger from the Oni of Osaka at least.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Turning around at the sound of splashing, Yoh nearly smacks into Megumi by accident. "Sorry!" he says kindly before getting back into view of the scene at the river. Apparently he was wrong when saying it had ended. It looks like the second party had dove into the river after the first. This was a big fight it seems.

In all seriousness, Yoh would be out in that water too, if it wasn't for his extreme hate for the cold. Instead, feeling rather amped up at watching this happen, he pumps his arms and cheers, yelling out at the fight, cheering them on.

He always loved a good brawl.

(((Megumi Mushikabe poses.)))
Meggy is more confused than anything else as she keeps watching what is taking place. This had to be one of the weirder events she'd seen ever since -that- place happened and that was saying a lot.

"Watch where you're going..." Mumbles she when Yoh nearly smacks into her by accident.

"What just happened..?" Is all she manages to say while she blinks and just stares. Well she couldn't say her trip to Inaba was boring after this and that was at least something. Still this seemed like a good time to get out of here. She wasn't here to end up getting involved in something odd, just to buy a charm.

"Thanks for the charm." Says she to the priestess while bowing politely before she walks away without looking back.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
At a plateau, slightly downriver, Takahisa Kandori is floating in the water, easily found by a hastily swimming Thora. He is laying on his back, moving back and forth.

He awaits the Oni of Osaka, and at her arrival he rolls upright and points his feet downward, seeming to stand on a shallow sand bank.

"I did that little show so we could talk, you and I."

Kandori rolls in the water, relaxing. "Better that everyone see you tackling a demon guardian, than tackling a well known CEO. Clearly that was just something which took my form."

Splish, splash. Kandori's wounds bleed a little bit, but not too much - the suit appears to be sopping some of it up, and they were shallow cuts ultimately.

If anyone chooses to follow them downriver then they might be about to get quite a show. Is that some flashing limit bar?

(((Akimoto Nagamori poses.)))
Akimoto nods to Megumi as she leaves, still recovering her strength. She hardly even notices that Thora had throw off her seal. It didn't matter, she breathes in deeply as she makes a motion to a Miko, she was okay, really. Standing up, she tries to look strong, but that showing of weakness in front of all these people...it must be quite embarrassing.

"I would suggest not following the demon and that...strange young lady." She says, to nobody in particular.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Is that water cold? Oh yes, yes it is. Thora will probably realize this later when she's not burning with the fires of RAAAAAGE. Viciously, she claws her way onto the plateau and shakes herself off after pulling herself up into a crouch. "I'm surprised. Figured you'd wait for the cops to show or something." Instead of giving Akimoto an ego trip. Oh well.

No restraint at all, it seems, was really displayed by the teenager right now. She's quick to stand, balancing on that sandbar. Her hand curl into fists as she shifts into an aggressive stance once more. "Yeah."

Purple light erupts around her feet and floating overhead,m a gray-colored skull appears floating in the air. Winding through its mouth and eye sockets is an enormous black rat snake. Thora's eyes grow vicious again. "Talk."
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has activated Loa.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
"Talk about what." Kandori makes no obvious show of power. His persona has gone home to his psyche, and he's standing there with no obvious defense mustered. "Talk about what? Ask a question, get an answer." He has no sword. He's not on a horse. He's just a man standing waist-deep in relatively tranquil water after a rushing soaking chilly torrent run downriver.

"If you think you can take the answers." Kandori, by contrast, seems all restraint. Whatever his reasons for giving Aki an ego boost, he's not talking. He seems comfortable to stand in the water all day if the need arises. But, this one time, it won't - because he's also not going anywhere.

His smirk and the glint in his eyes together are very smug.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Swept up in the action, Yoh can't help himself but give chase down river. It looks like this is gonna play out great! Finally, some real fighting! Well, at least that is what he thought, anyway. Getting as close as possible from the road following the river. "Aw, they had to stop in the water!" he says, disappointed. As he closes in, he can't help but see some sort of light show emanating from one of the gladiators in the river

Yoh can't help but sulk. He was looking forward to getting involved in something. He ends up punching a nearby post, trying to alleviate some stress. It only leaves a small dent. He turns back to the fight, hoping something good will happen, also wondering... where the heck the special effects came from. Ah well, may be a promotional fight, for some new show, or Junes, or something.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Thora's fingers flex open. The god above her of another country lets its jaw hang down, rattling and chattering as Thora's own teeth would be surely doing after she's left the river. That purple glow that had flickered beneath the giant teenager seconds before now clings to her hands like a film. The color flickers in the running water of the stream, combined with the phosphorescent koi, it looks especially psychedelic.

Thora reaches out to grasp Kandori by the shoulders, the touch unusually cold and unsettling. At least to the normal person it would be cold and unsettling-this is Kandori, so things may be different.

"Why?" Thora snarls, her fingers tightening, "Why, if he's alive, hasn't he come for me? Why do you even know about this?!"
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi misses Takahisa Kandori with her Evil Touch attack.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has finished their turn.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Kandori doesn't flinch under Thora's touch as the battlefield rolls through seizure monster strobes and Guido just... lets her grab.

The unsettling chill does not take hold. Instead it flows back up Thora's hands and into the part of her psyche containing Loa. His persona shifts, Thora would be able to smell this one coming, and thus maybe avoid it. Be careful when you stare into the abyss, lest it stare into you. Trying to unsettle Kandori can be unsettling in its own right.

Back up Thora's arms flows a powerful feedback. It's as powerful as her attack, a gentle dissuading maneuver calculated to remind her to comport herself with dignity around him.

Unfortunately this takes the form of knife blades jutting out of Kandori's flesh where Thora has grabbed... followed by a little imp with bladed wings and no other apparent features flowing out of Kandori's body to make screechy "boo" style noises at the Oni.

But the knives, trying to pump molten darkness into Thora's very veins, are probably all the incentive she needs to let go.

"Because I looked into his soul, and I saw the POWER hiding there. And I told him what he could become. I didn't make him do anything. I just gave him the tools, the answers, the TRUTH - as I promised to give his daughter when she was old enough to ask. When she came to me and called me by my name and asked of him, I promised I would answer. And here you go. He did not come forward because of SHAME, Thora Kobayashi. Because he hoped you would become a better woman. Because, I think, though he would not admit it, he blamed himself for your delinquency - knew he was at fault. And thus he thought it best if he stayed away. Because he wants the best for you, wants your power to grow beyond even his."

Kandori stops, standing a little higher in the water now. "Because he is a man. And you shame him with your low manners and your lack of dignity - especially when you have the kind of potential you do!"

The words are sharp and sudden as a slap to the face - which is to say nothing of the literal slap to the face which follows.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori has activated Haunter In Dark.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori critically hits Thora Kobayashi with his Massacre attack.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori has finished their turn.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh watches from the banks at this spectacular show! He was just about ready to jump out into the water, though he remembers how cold it is. From this distance, he cannot tell who is fighting, instead keeps yelling random fight cheers like "Kick their ass!" and, "Let 'em have it!" It is quite evident he is enjoying himself. After all, this was a fake fight with all the flashy effects and stuff... right?



(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Those three words. Those damnable three words. They wouldn't have bothered Thora nearly as much if Kandori wasn't the one that said them those months ago.

Loa remains manifested for a few seconds longer as Thora tries to force the power of this persona into Kandori, to at least effect him in some way. This fails spectacularly, a bit to her surprise, and she feels the power being turned against her. The persona itself does offer some protection but the sting is more than enough to make her abruptly pull her hands back with a sharp cry, disentangling her palms from the blades of shadow. Blood immediately wells up from the deep cuts, sluicing through the lines upon her hands. Loa disappears.

Thora stares at her shaking hands as he begins to speak. "...what..." she murmurs, slowly lifting her head, her eyes wide. "...but he died! Why did he-"


It's more than enough to make Thora explode into violence all over again, tossing any semblance of self control she may have had in favor of hurting Kandori for saying these things. In the back of her mind, she really does regret asking now. She didn't need to hear this. There is no persona this time, Thora just tries to tear him to pieces with her own bare hands. "There was a funeral and shit! He faked that because of me?! That's fucking ridiculous! RARGGGGGGGGH!"
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has activated Garm.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi misses Takahisa Kandori with her Strike Attack - Warhammer attack.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has finished their turn.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Violence is what Kandori is looking for. He moves to one side, catching the hands and diverting the blow away from him. It's not about strength, she has him beaten there by miles. This is about control. Superior footing and control lets him move Thora out of the way by grabbing her hands. Where Kandori's hands touch her, his power tries to snuff out her life like wet fingers snuffing a candle.

"And what you're doing now proves he was in the wrong? What did he 'fake'. Wanting you to grow strong. There are good reasons, but if all you want to do is tear down your problems, let's see if this slows you."

And Kandori's light brushing fingertips, turning the hands aside, finish dealing their death-spell and then move aside.

"What good are you if your rage rules you? When you rule it, you'll transcend. You think I'm not angry, at this upstart brat who runs to me wanting the secrets of the universe? If you're stronger than me, if you really understand strength - SHOW ME. Or stop messing around! Are you a person, or a puppet of useless emotion!? TEENAGERS!"

Guardian Rubric: Kill The Bitch.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori hits Thora Kobayashi with his Deathtika attack.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori has finished their turn.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
By now, Yoh is chewing on the collar of his jacket, leaving rip marks all over it.

Well, in his mind.

The boy has left several large dents in the nearby post from punching it, wanting to be out there /SO/ bad. He is actually up at the edge of the shore now, having hopped the nearby fence, still yelling, though now he is yelling things more along the line of what a coach would say.

"Fight faster! You're doing it wrong!!"

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Barreling forward does give her a bit of momentum and weight advantage, at least it should, but it seems useless as Kandori moves out of the way, forcing her to get her own footing straight. Their hands make contact and Thora's eyes grow wide as that power flows into her. At the very least, Kandori can feel her resistance. She's young, there's a lot of life in there and still a lot of life left. Approximately two-thirds to be exact.

She pulls her hands away again, her breathing slightly heavier than before. "He abandoned me to grow strong?" She hisses, stepping sideways and circling around, "I could have been /happy/."

She's still furious. That rage is not going away, Yoh's yelling only fanning the fire. Rearing back, she howls for her persona-her /true/ persona. Garm, the blood-red hellhound of Norse mythology appears half-submerged in the water behind her. In a small area around their little sandbar, the water immediately ices over. The stream still flows beneath the film. "I did not come running to you! I came running /at/ you. This is what happens if you make me chase you, Kandori!"

The ice warps and twists suddenly, growing into gigantic icicle spikes that curl inward and converge upon the CEO.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi hits Takahisa Kandori with her Ice Crush attack.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has finished their turn.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
"Oh, so you'd rather be content? You think it's best that those with power be allowed to sit back and lah-di-dah through life? You don't think you have a responsibility to help fix this world? You don't see how broken it is? You haven't been shown enough to want to help?"

"Clearly there is no use for you, then." comes Kandori's contemptuous final word. Spikes of ice impale Kandori's legs and lower body, locking him in place. He appears to ignore this, except that he's bleeding, and he coughs up a bit of ichor - or perhaps just regular blood. The follow-up is a raised hand, as he stares at the image of Garm - and waves his hand.

A jet of pure darkness shoots for the Persona, striking to erase its name from the book of life entirely and wipe it out.

Kandori does not suffer insolence easily, and the sucking void of destruction he sends at Thora's persona - rather than at her - is a sure sign of that.

He may be bleeding, his shorts may even be torn, but what he's seeking to do is much worse than a few icicle impalements and some broken bones. When you use your Persona, sure, you use it as a face to defend against the world... but you have to OPEN your mind to let it out. Kandori is sending a bolt of darkness back along the channel from Garm to Thora. "Stare into the abyss, then, and the darkness take your soul."

Kandori appears to have no respect for Thora's position. Happy indeed. Harumph.

And he sees you too, Yoh.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori hits Thora Kobayashi with his Eternal Black attack.
COMBAT: The Vitality Down status effect has been added to Thora Kobayashi.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori has finished their turn.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
All the boy can do at this moment is watch. Those special effects mentioned earlier? They are becoming... rather realistic. Ice took part of the river closer to him, and some of those attacks being launched are, well, looking painful, rather than something projected. After all, after looking around, there was no equipment. There was no staff there to manage it... neither were there people to, y'konw, watch. Either it was poorly planned, or...

Well of course thinking about it even possibly being real made him want to get out there even more. The boy took out even more frustration on the post a few steps away, punching away at the same spot, until a loud cracking noise occurred. Of course he thought it was his own hand, and recoiled for a second, moving his fingers. Well, it was the post, hitting in the same spot repeatedly caused it to splinter.

Yoh decided it was best to stop hitting the wooden pole for now, and went back to yelling senseless amped-up fighting lines.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
"Is that what this is about? Making me want to work for you?" Thora says in a low voice, "I don't have the kind of strength that will fix the world and if I did, you wouldn't like my solution." His next words trigger something else though: fear, followed by a primal instinct coded deeply in her mind for survival.

While she had expect him to attack /her/, Garm was another matter. Personas rarely existed long enough for them to really be targets that is unless Thora was consistently willing him into existence. As Garm begins to fade, the beam of dark lances through the hound and the half-apparition curls in on itself, disappearing in a swirl of red befitting of an Earthbound final boss. With a groan, she collapses to her knees, the rage draining away, but her eyes still remaining wide, wild, and full of pain.

With what strength she lances sideways, trying to ignore the wrenching deep in her soul, and kicks a large icicle free so she can wield it like a baseball bat and draws herself up to her feet. She doesn't attack though, settling into a more defensive position. "Morita." Thora says hoarsely, "Is he yours?"

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
"Not for me! I don't care who you WORK FOR. It's the idea that you know how to work in the first place. Being happy seldom helps anyone! Ha! You think there is a change I wouldn't like? Then you're a fool. What I'm trying to point out is that you have a responsibility, that there's power in you you know nothing of! And he wants the same!"

Kandori's power stills, and he settles back down, breaking free of the icicles, his flesh begins to knit.

"There are few men who are not. Unfortunately for me, he seems to legitimately care about you. I don't own his soul, Kobayashi. Whether he agrees with my beliefs or not is up to him, ask him. I have no idea."

And that, at least, seems to be true. Kandori stands, proud, tall, unwavering. "You can't even control what's in you, it's a half-wild thing, made with my own two hands. Your power isn't something you earned, it was planned since before you were born - but now that you HAVE that power, what will you do with it? Will you fight me? Maybe that will make the world a better place. Will you do nothing, sit down, settle down, have some kids with your Young Man and live a boring life, just to defy me? Whatever you do, how do you know you won't be playing into my hands?"

Kandori answers his own question: "You don't. So start paying attention to your choices, start THINKING. You have a brain. You STILL insist on having no confidence in your abilities, and you let everyone bring you down."

Kandori slams one down into an icicle and lifts it. As he holds it, flames lick along the edge, and it burns.

"Take out your frustrations, but it won't make you any better. Start questioning things. You think I'm so much worse than any other option you have? Or is that an unthinking opinion your friends have handed you? What have I really done, to you, or to those you care for, that they did not ask for?"

His toothy grin expects a strike at any moment. Kandori seems bizarrely happy.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh lets out a sigh as it appears one of the two fighters falter. It has been one heck of a fight, especially considering of what all they were doing is real. How it is real he will think about later, right now he is thinking to himself what a great fight tha--

WAIT A SECOND. Over?! Fights aren't over until someone is unconscious! The hell is he thinking?

Yoh begins to yell at the large... is that a girl? Huh, didn't he meet a large girl recently? Eh, didn't matter. Anyway, he begins to yell at the girl who took a knee "Hey! Hey YOU! Yes you! Beat the snot out of that guy! Come on! Throw something at him! DO SOMETHING!"

Yoh was going to be hoarse the next day, that's for sure.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
"..." Thora shifts uncomfortably and starts to circle around Kandori again as he talks. He still holds an angry glare from Thora, even if it's aimed at the back of his head. That nice, hittable-looking back of his head. "Have you ever been happy, Kandori?" she asks in a voice low enough that the question just might be rhetorical. From the way he talks, it seems he hasn't.

The anger flares again, though, when the subject shifts back to her Guardian. She never really found it unusual that he showed up so quickly back in March, not until now at least. A darker part of her wonders when it's going to rain next. She'll have to check a weather report later.

The anger goes up another notch. "I can /too/ control this!" Struggling, she forces Garm into being once more, though it looks a lot more transparent than usual. It doesn't stay there for much longer though before vanishing again. She had to wonder though, about those other words. She really does start thinking.

Her face goes blank and her shoulders droop, for a split second seeming oddly depressed. "So I'm..." Yoh starts shouting, Thora whips around, her face red with anger (and blood from that earlier cut), "SHUT UP!" She turns on Kandori. "And you shut up! You attacked Shirou! You're manipulating Hanamura!" Angrily, she throws the icicle at Kandori.

Her guard comes up immediately afterward and silently she laments that she's probably still not strong enough to beat him. Which is a little odd because Shirou could and Thora's pretty sure she's way more experienced than he is. On the other hand, he really did go through a TV dungeon to get his persona. He earned it. Maybe that was the difference. "It doesn't matter, it's my power now anyway."
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi misses Takahisa Kandori with her Strike Attack - Warhammer attack.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has finished their turn.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
"I have experienced many moments of interest and amusement, Thora Kobayashi. But, it is perhaps accurate to say I can't feel... a thing." Kandori is forced to pause in replying by the attempt to impale him. He doesn't move his feet, instead he raises his right hand and punches the icicle, which explodes into a thousand pieces.

"Ha! Manipulating? Yosuke Hanamura is the only one I don't need to manipulate."

This said, Kandori watches the pieces of icicle fall as he rubs his red and bruised knuckles. "Any other questions? Think before you ask."

Guido leans back on one leg, prepared for a further assault. He looks down at the manifested Garm as it fades out of existence, he makes it go faster, waving a languid hand: "I told you to stay gone. Bad dog." A wearying power, making it harder to manifest her persona or call on its physical might, would bunch around Thora at Kandori's command.

He's bleeding from numerous wounds, he has a hole in his torso from the glass she threw him onto, icicles are through his legs. He has a bruised hand with a few dislocated fingers. But still Kandori smiles with a face as arrogant and cold and proud as any Prince of Hell could hope to muster on his best day.

The key, perhaps, is that he still stands. "Shirou Sekigawa attacked ME, when it came down to it. All I did was help him face his demons - and simultaneously give him a useful hate of me, and an even more useful belief that he can take me in a fight. See? Think about these things. Think what my motives are, THEN you can understand me, THEN you can beat me."

Guido falls silent, awaiting another attack, or for her rage to ebb. Banking on the former.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori misses Thora Kobayashi with his Shibaboo attack.
COMBAT: Takahisa Kandori has finished their turn.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Recoiling back, Yoh is rather stunned at the harshness of the voice. The woman's feroicty can be head easily. But about then, it finally clicked who it was actually out there. it was the girl from the incident in Inaba! He didn't remember her name off the top of his head, but he HAD to do somehting! Even though he did have... whatever the heck it was she was doing... magic? He had to get closer, following the edge of the river, he comes to a part of the edge that jutted out ferther into the river, putting him close.

Just who was it Thora was fighting? As he came closer the man started to look familiar. He took off his jacket, despite hating the cold, in case he had to dive in and get over there in an emergency.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
There's nothing that pisses Thora off faster than dog talk. Growling, Thora forces Garm back into being just to spite Kandori and thwart his attempts to be physically taxing to her. Miraculously, it actually works and Thora takes a tiny step forward. "He can beat you. I'll see him beat you again one day." Even if she herself couldn't, she had faith that Shirou would. "You'll suffer for yanking his strings like that. You think you're so noble, hurting people so they'll get stronger." Her rage definitely doesn't ebb yet. With great effort, the air around Thora changes.

Behind her, a tall shape rises. "I don't want to ask anymore." She doesn't sound so much angry more as she does really upset. The tall figure, that looks like a gigantic stone samurai, curls one hand into a fist. Thora mimics the motion. Both persona and Thora punch simultaneously. "This truth /sucks/."
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has activated Oumitsunu.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi hits Takahisa Kandori with her Gigantic Fist attack.
COMBAT: Thora Kobayashi has finished their turn.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
Guido watches the trick of sending Garm back to protect him, Thora's spotted which weak spot he was exploiting, good, but not good enough. Then she comments on the truth.

"I did tell you it would. Regrettably, that was also truth and so, to use your unwisely coarse mode of speech, must "suck".

The fists slam Kandori, but he doesn't fall backward. He braces both hands in front of him, grunting from the force and managing to throw the blow aside only AFTER his forearms have splintered and his right hand has begun to look worse.

When the blow is gone, and the persona with it, Kandori scoffs. "Then you wish to hide from answers? Very well, not ready yet. But someday you'll need more power. It may even be my fault, working through some intermediary. You may be wondering WHY you should think, why you should get smart? Well, the answer is simple. If you want me to stop being able to manipulate you, you need to start thinking AND punching, not just doing the latter."

Kandori turns his back on Thora. "Or else..." he turns to look back. "When the time comes, and I've ruined your life? You won't know I'm to blame, not for sure. And you will WANT to know. You may not always be right, but you'll want to be definite ... or else when you come to me seeking power, you won't know enough to use the power to destroy me, and you'll be lost. And I DO have power to give you - when you're ready."

Kandori fully turns his back, closes his eyes, and smiles.

"Leave. I'm done with you."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Being closer to the fight, Yoh sees just what has been happening. It was true, there were no effects, no fireworks, nothing. It truly was reall. It became apparent when a huge stone warrior appeared otu of thin air, and hit the other person, which from this close looks like.... The guy from the fountain! Kandori! What is this world coming to?! People he has met, having strange powers... using them on each others?

One thing is for sure... in this part of the local country, something is afoot. None of this was happening where he used to go. Nada. Now, within a week of coming to this area, strange ocurrences have transpired, and he has seen things once thought only existed in fairytales.

Yoh's courage is suddenly and completely sapped. Even though he wanted to fight so badly... there was no way he would stand a chance against someone with powers of that magnitude. Feeling weak, all he could do is... watch. This was something greater than him.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
"Considerin' what you told me..." Thora draws closer, ready to continue attacking. "...it's horrible. Created and /abandoned/?" He turns his back on her, Thora draws closer, blood still leaking from her hands and staining the water and sand beneath her. Her throat tightens at the mention of manipulation, one of the largest reasons she didn't want to choose the KNOWS path when presented with that decision months ago.

Angrily, she shoves him when his back is turned, unwilling to accept him just shutting down and blowing her off again like all those other times. "I need more power /now/, it's what I've been working for my whole damn life. And you know what? I'm not going to let you ruin my life anymore to get it."

Now she turns away, content with getting in the last word and last shove at the very least. Everything else she's heard though...

Only now does Thora realize how cold she is with those wet clothes and that freezing water. Everything's just a lot colder now.

(((Takahisa Kandori poses.)))
As Kandori falls facefirst onto the sandbar and rubs his jaw after banging it on a rock from Thora's shove... he smiles. But he /doesn't let her get the last word.

Kandori takes out his cell phone and begins typing a text message rapidly. The phone is, fortunately, waterproof, though dirty. Kandori gets up. He'll have to come back and begin looking anew. It has to be /just right/. Oh man. Is that his rib.

He can see his rib. Kandori begins striding valiantly and proudly... okay, limping like a wounded animal - for the roadway where he can call his valet.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
All Yoh can really do at this point is sit there, on the edge of the land jutting into the river, closeby to the conflict. if one were to look at his face, he would appear as though reality as he knew it just shattered int oa thousand pieces.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Thora Kobayashi's work here is done.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh can barely stand at the moment, being rather shaken. What has just happened seems to help answer a few questions that have formed from past encoutners with people. He has seen and heard things unimagineable. Though some questiosn were answered this day, many were created, almsot making the situation worse. He just stares out at the water, not knowing what to do next.

(((Thora Kobayashi poses.)))
Meanwhile, Thora flees the scene in case cops do show up, though she doubts it at that point. They'd already be here if they were really called.

Digging though a soaked pocket, Thora pulls out her own phone, which is also water-resistant since it's Kirijotech and it'd be kind of silly to make expensive Dark Hour-capable smartphones and not make them waterproof. Thora scowls at the text message and starts tapping out a few other ones.

Her gait is aimless. With this revelation, she's not sure if she wants to go 'home' or back to the KNOWS castle anymore.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh looks down at the water, seeing a glo-fish go by... was it the one from yesterday? Who cared, his outlook on reality was just broken. He lifts his head up, staring out at Thora. So many things to say, yet his mouth won't move. What was that power? How was it used? Could anybody have it? He imagines confronting hoodlums to beat up, only to find them with this scary power. He shudders at the thought.

Yoh Yamagatani just seems to wander off, looking rather confused. Being rather shaken at the time, he decides that possibly a hot drink would help him snap out of it. The boy slowly hobbles off toward what appears to be Junes nearby.

Inaba - Junes' Food Court - 7:00 PM.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Whenever Shiori was at the Junes Food Court, it seemed that she had either just finished a meal, or was just lazing around without ordering more than a soft drink. Few people had actually seen her eating, although this could be because Shiori seldom ordered more than tiny portions. Needed to watch her weight, after all. (Soft drinks notwithstanding.)

This evening, she was seated at a table under the awnings close to some lighted advertisements, mostly for the warmth. Sipping a cup of hot (and very much diluted) tea, she idly watched the other people around the food court with something akin to curiosity. The weather being what it was, there were not very many.

She sighed, her breath coming out in a puff in the cold air. Stupid SEES, and their insistence on trying to remove her Shadow. Why couldn't they leave things well enough alone?

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Nose buried in a book and a pair of blue earbuds wiring down to his Yasogami coat pocket, Shou steps off of the elevator. That Reki kid sure is crazy, huh? Well, he's already put it out of mind. He's up here to get a mediocre snack, maybe hide under an umbrella and relax (study more) for a bit.

He barely lifts his head as he walks, taking a moment to look around at the food court in the steady snow, when he notices Shiori and grows a bit of a smile. Surely, this friendly face won't result in some crazy confrontation. He makes his way to the food stands with plans to talk to her once he's got some grub.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
A boy walks in from the elevator, still in his jacket, and covered with fresh snow. He looks pale, and rather shaken at the moment. It is Yoh, and as he walks in, he glances from left to right, as he heads to the court to get something warm. If one were to have met him before today, something looks way off from his usual perky, kind and battle-bound attitude.

Yoh quietly orders a hot cocoa, and scans the area for a seat. He looks completely shaken as he roams about the court for a seat.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Shiori would indeed not force any sort of crazy confrontation; that simply wasn't her Shadow's way. Crazy yes, confrontation no.

However, she was always on the lookout for Something Interesting happening, and was not averse to poking events to nudge them in that direction.

Which was why her face lit up when she spotted Yoh walking in from the elevator, looking more than a little shaken. Maybe /he/ had a story to tell.

"Hey, Yamagatani-san! Over here!" She patted the empty seat beside her encouragingly. "Come join me!"

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou comes away from the stands with a large tray with a small fry and a soda, and notices Yoh as he starts to walk towards Shiori's table. He balances the tray on one hand so he can pop out his earbuds and gives a friendly enough smile with a wave at the guy. He doesn't look...very happy, does he? Did he see that river fish thing again?

Shou makes his way at last to Shiori's table. "Hey, Hibiki-san," he simply addresses with a smile, giving the table a bit of space for the sake of being polite.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Peering around, appearing to be... overly paranoid, Yoh seems to snap to somewhat, as he hears a familiar voice calling from nearby. It was Hibiki-san, with Hamada-sam waving to him from nearby, seeming to head toward where he was called from.

Okay, you just saw a summoned ten foot soldier punch someone in a river. Let's try to act normal.' Even though he thought that to himself, nothing seemed to change. He slowly trotted over. He cracked what was clearly a forced smile. "Greetings, Hibiki-san, Hamada-san," he said, presenting a polite bow to them both, before sitting down. Though the smile was forced, there was a degree of sincerity to it. It wasn't that he didn't want to see them, it is just... well, if you saw two people firing magic and conjured figures at each other for the first time, wouldn't you trip out?

On the bright side, he would get to show off his new 'Love Charm' he got earlier at the Shrine. Yoh appears to be wearing it on the outside, rather than his usual necklace, which is tucked in. As if the charm would actually work, anyway. But, it was decently priced, and would make for a good conversation, long as he kept away from what happened as he purchased it.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
"Hamada-san!" Shiori's smile grew wider. "How are you? Please, have a seat."

She waited patiently for Yoh to make his way over to her table, head tilted to the side. "Hi, Yamagatani-san," she said. "You look a little out of sorts today. Quite unlike the vigilante of justice you should be." Spoken conversationally, as though teasing him about some private injoke.

Her eyes alighted on the love charm. "It's not love troubles, is it?" she asked, with the sudden eagerness of someone sensing a lead on juicy gossip.

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Still smiling back, Shou scoots out a chair and takes refuge at the table. "Good, mostly! Second time this week I've seen a middle schooler almost get clobbered, but," he laughs a bit and nods to Yoh, "Kurusu-kun, if you know him." He knows, of course, that Yoh knows him. "You seem as good as ever, Hibiki-san."

Shou then turns to smile at Yoh, backing Shiori up, "Everything alright?" before she asks the thing about love troubles. He's curious about the charm, but not up on rumors enough to know anything.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Oh dang. Kurusu-san, almost getting beat up, again? He felt bad for the kid, looking down slightly upon hearing that. He always seemed to be either in a bad place at a bad time, or running off suddenly at around 9:30ish at night. It reminded him that he needs to talk to Reki.

He smiled at the welcome, and decided to speak, though his voice had a bit of a quiver to it. "Well... no love troubles. I haven't had a girl since..." His thought process seemed to drift off again for a moment, as if thinking about someone. "...Since I transferred." He holds the charm out in his hand. "I was told about a happening at the river shrine. They were selling these. The priestess there claimed that wearing this will help someone find true love, but... I am skeptical if it will work." He puts it back down. "I do enjoy helping the shrine though with donations. I wish my visit there was more pleasant though."

Yoh looks down for a moment, lost at what to say if they decide to pursue the hook.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
"Kurusu, Kurusu... nope, doesn't ring a bell," Shiori said cheerfully. "What did he do? Or, from the way you put it, what was done to him?"

She tilted her head with interest at Yoh's comment. There was no sympathy as such in her look, just curiosity. Apparently all this could have been something she saw while channel-surfing on TV, for all she cared.

"Did something happen down at the river?" she said. Shiori had seen the shrine in business, but hadn't approached, mainly because she already had a boyfriend, rendering love charms irrelevant. But from what Yoh was saying, something more substantial had happened to make him so... shaken. "Did the Guardian of the Samegawa turn up again?"

Wait, "again"?

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou makes a frustrated "Ahh" noise and rubs the back of his head. "Kurusu-kun is such a nice kid, but he's so old-fashioned. Always about responsibility and stuff." Shou shakes his head, setting his book down at last. "There was this like tall looking punk guy walking around without a shirt on, right? Kurusu-kun works at Junes but wasn't on today, but he still went up to this guy twice his size and told him to put a shirt on. He was fine because some American looking girl stepped in, but..."

Shou waves, dismissing the story, and then turning back to Yoh as Shiori speaks. But he...stops for a moment when she mentions the Guardian. "Have you heard about that guardian thing, too?" He looks back to her.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh simply shakes his head. How could he say it in a way for others not to know, but kind of get the hint? What he saw was just so... strange. He finally begins to speak. "Well... after getting the charm, I think that..." He trails off for a moment again. "I think I saw something I shouldn't have, to be honest with you folks."

He wasn't that good with words, and didn't know how else to put it. It probably wouldn't matter if he talked about it though, he thought to himself, as well, who would believe in modern day sorcery? It is almost unfathomable. Almost, anyway.

He knew what he saw. And between of all people, Thora and Takahisa. He probably would have already dismissed it if he didn't already somewhat know the people involved.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Shiori grinned at Shou. "The Guardian's a friend of mine," she said. It was difficult to tell if she was joking. "I come here to Inaba often to visit, but..." Shrug. "Seems like things are getting pretty confusing down by the river. Chibigawa hasn't been out to see me in a while."

While she spoke, she had taken out her cellphone, glanced at it, and then quickly and efficiently tapped in a message, before snapping the cellphone shut and returning it to her pocket.

Saw something you shouldn't have?" Shiori raised an eyebrow at Yoh. "That's not very descriptive, Yamagatani-san. It could be anything from police bribery to excessively public displays of affection to... ah." Shiori raised a finger. "I'd say more, but I think my boyfriend's on the way here, and if I'm right, he'd probably want me to follow his lead. I've got a pretty good guess of what you saw, Yamagatani-san, but some people get so unreasonable when I talk about it." Pause. "Not that Hitoshi-kun's that sort, of course, but his senpais are so /strict/. It really makes me sad, sometimes."

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
And, here rolls Hitoshi!

Coming up via the elevator, Hitoshi happened to be in Inaba at the same time as his girlfriend. His... crazy, Shadow-possessed girlfriend. Perhaps it wasn't so much coincidence. Perhaps she had followed him here.

As he mulls his way through the food court, his head turns this way and that, until he spots the familiar form of Shiori's bunny-themed backpack. At which point, in his casual, warm street clothes, he raises a hand to wave to the small gaggle she seems to be with.

"Shiori-chan!" he calls out, smiling a little bit.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
"Hitoshi-kun!" Shiori stood from her seat at her table to wave enthusiastically. "Over here, over here!" Sitting back down, she flashed a smile to the other two. "Sorry about that. Please continue~"

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou politely smiles and waves to Shiori's guy, and just sort of takes a back seat in the conversation for a second. There's more to think about than there is to talk about, and Shiori seems to be asking the right questions. From Yoh's mood, though, Shou can only think it's got to be something like mob or government business; something terrible happened that nobody's supposed to know about. But, c'mon, this isn't a movie, right?

And then...she's a friend of the Guardian? So she's in on the hoax with that strange kid? Or...in the less-likely possibility that that fish was real, is she...teaching it tricks like he seemed to? Well, no, it's probably just a joke.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh lets out a long drawn sigh. Might as well try explaining it. They will probably think of him as a retard, or a drug abuser. "Well, okay. As I was saying. I think I saw something I shouldn't have. At first I thought it was a show." He stops for a time, then seems to go off on a strange tangent. It was quite unlike him, of course he was quite disturbed right now.

"Honestly, I think something is not right in the world. Something is not as it should be. I know what I saw." Yoh snapped his fingers a few times, trying to recall what all had happened. "One of the people involved was the man at the fountain. The other..." He looks at Shou. "...Was the girl from the incident in the commercial district." Yoh takes a deep breath. "You guys are going to think I am crazy, but... I saw them fight." The next few seconds seemed like an eternity to the boy.

"...With magic."

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Had Shiori followed Hitoshi here? Or had she, through some manipulation of events, caused them both to be here at the same time?

It was a mystery. Possibly as big as the mystery of what the Guardian truly was to Shiori, which even she wasn't all that certain of. Memories were... unreliable, for some reason, and Shiori needed some time to work things out for herself before she could answer Shou's doubts.

But Yoh's careful admission of the fight involving magic made Shiori chuckle quietly. It was not a sound of derision, but more of vindication.

"Congratulations, Yamagatani-san," she said. "You're in the game." She looked playfully at Hitoshi. "Do you want to explain, Hitoshi-kun, or should I?"

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
Eeeeegh. Maybe it was just coincidence. In the back of his head, Hitoshi was hoping that, anyway.

As she called out to him, he smiles, turning and heading that way toward her, waving his hand in return. Once he approaches, he smiles to her, leaning over and pecking her cheek as he moves to settle at the table. Steadily, he catches up on the conversation... and furrows his eyebrows a little as he looks to Yoh.

Then Shiori mentions 'the game.' He then looks to her with a bit of an odd look, as if he could say 'what are you thinking?' Then, he looks to Yoh.

"You just lost the game," Hitoshi proclaims softly. "In fact, we all did. It's... a mental game, of sorts. We're not supposed to think about the game. Those who think about it have to proclaim they've lost it. There's a thirty minute grace period, for the most part."

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou, honestly, just looks at Yoh with a straight, deadpan expression. It's sort of a combination of "What?" and "Whatever." After Hitoshi comments on Shiori's weird comment, Shou leaves a moment of silence before laughing nervously (nervous as he doesn't seem to be in on the joke), "You guys think up some weird games, don't you?"

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh can't help but twitch. He figured he would get something like this, and that people wouldn't believe him. "W-What does a game have to do with this, exactly?" he asks in the kindest tone possible, despite feeling like he is being made fun of. "I... I am not lying. I wasn't even fifty feet away. The river froze by them. Stange pinted shadows seemed to attack the girl, and draw real blood. A massive soldier thing just poofed into reality! Kandori-san was stabbed with ice!" As he talked he seemed to be getting more excitable, also finally remembering Kandori's name at the last part.

Yoh just sulked back for a moment. He probably sounded like some crazed conspirator, not that he didn't like reading about conspiracies, as he did, he just never actually /spread/ them. He took a big gulp of his cocoa, trying to warm himself up. It was cold out by the water.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Shiori's smile gradually grew distant, fixed in place, as Hitoshi solemnly attempted to deflect any attempt to learn about the world of Personae and Shadows. She leaned forward, elbows on the table, eyes closed, listening to Shou's disbelief and Yoh's continued protests.

"I see," she murmured. "So that's how it's going to be."

Hitoshi, for all of his weak Persona sensing abilities, would be able to tell that quite suddenly, a great Shadowy presence would be making itself known to any with resonance-sensing abilities. Something cold and harsh and metallic chrome, settling over Shiori, sullenly watching.

"At least come up with something better, Hitoshi-kun," Shiori continued, still with that pleasant murmur. Yoh and Shou would have to strain quite hard to hear her; Hitoshi somewhat less so. "When I open my eyes, I wonder how you're going to explain it to them. Hm?"

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
"Don't do this here now, Shiori-chan." Hitoshi's voice is likewise very low as he leans against the table beside her, eyes darkening under the curtain of hair that falls over his eyes as he considers his options, especially after feeling that oppressing feeling of her shadow. Using his own resonance to force it back in was out of the question.

But so was calling your Persona forth, Taniguchi.

Sighing softly, he finally begins to look up at the two boys, considering them quietly. "You're sure it wasn't stage blood? I'm pretty sure that Kandori-san could be into some form of acting," Hitoshi remarks toward Yoh, smiling a little. It's odd, though. Hitoshi remembers this boy... from the fountain. And he remembers Kandori, too? .... Well.

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou shakes his head, focusing on Yoh. Yeah, he thinks Yoh's crazy, but he doesn't want to treat him like he's stupid, or make him feel bad. It's pretty obvious that he's -genuinely- upset about something. "It's okay, Yamagatani-san, calm down, I..." Loss for words for a moment. "Whatever happened, it's over now. It's okay now. I don't think you're stupid, and neither does Hibiki-san or...Taniguchi-san." Takes Shou a second to dredge up the name from their brief meeting here in the food court, with Hanamura.

But yeah. Stupid? No. But Shou doesn't believe the story is real. There's no way he could.

After reassuring Yoh, Shou turns around to see the couple looking seriously pensive. Like whoa. What's with this atmosphere they're putting on? Are they about to fight?

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh clearly begins to feel better from the comfort provided by Shou and Hitoshi. He begins to talk again after a minute or so. "I really, truly believe it was real, as least I want to believe..." The boy tries to recall everything that happened and that he saw. "Well, it was so cold out, and it was snowing, but I didn't see anything that could have led it to be. There was no equipment, no cameras, no staff... and most of all, no end of scene. One seemed to walk toward the highway with a busted leg and ribcage, the girl, headed back to the shrine, where I had just came from. I..."

Yoh began to doubt himself at what he saw. It was so real... they even talked to him during the fight. The boy was clearly a touch out of it at the time, but was coming around slowly as he warmed up, drinking his cocoa.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
"Give me a good reason why not, Hitoshi-kun," Shiori replied, still in that low murmur. But she kept her eyes closed, even if the Shadow resonance was still pressing down on anyone who could feel it.

Louder: "Did you manage to catch what they were fighting about, Yamagatani-san? Or at least what it /looked/ like they were fighting about?" That might actually be more interesting; people fighting with Personae was fun to reveal to the normals, but something serious enough for Kandori to reveal his abilities in front of normals? Now /that/ was news.

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
"Because you know this is probably the -worst- idea," Hitoshi quietly remarks toward her. He just gives her 'The Look,' the one that says 'please stop.' That patented look Hitoshi gives women.

It may or may not be patented.

He then looks toward the two boys quietly, tilting his head a little bit as he listens to Yoh. He says nothing, instead he cuts his eyes quietly toward Shiori....

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou starts to feel a bit...odd. Not from any sort of resonance, but Shiori and Hitoshi's very serious change in demeanor that coincides with Yoh's crazy talk is disconcerting. The scene is becoming disconcerting.

Her question is one of the bigger issues. For some reason focusing on a detail about his story like that puts some weight into the conversation. And he doesn't know Yamagatani that well, but he just doesn't seem like the type for any of this. Doesn't come across as mentally unstable, or a good actor for that matter

Of course the magic thing is impossible. That part is ridiculous. But what are they getting at? There's something true in there somewhere, it just has that...scent.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Trying to remember what caused the whole fiasco, Yoh scratches his head. Wait... did she say Persona? Upon its mention, he can't help but let his eye twitch a moment. What was that, like the fourth time he has heard that word? At first he sword people like Kandori were merely using some sort of euphemism, or even a mispronunciation of person, but it is getting used too much lately, and it is making him wary. He decides to let it slide, and concentrate on the task at hand.

"Well," he began. "It started at the shrine. Kandori-san was fishing, mindign his own business for a good while, then that girl came up behind him and tackled him out of nowhere, immediately beating on him with what looked like a massive hammer. Then they ended up downstream eventually and started doing all sorts of weird crap, causing weird things to appear, like a giant red wolf, and a huge soldier thingy."

Thats right, Yoh said 'thingy'.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
"Don't go fishing at the Samegawa, Yamagatani-san, Hamada-san," Shiori said, quite seriously. "It's not worth it."

Apparent non-sequitur aside, Shiori kept her eyes closed. She had not moved from her current position ever since Hitoshi's attempt to deflect the topic away from Personae.

"They're going to know eventually, Hitoshi-kun," she said, and this time she spoke loudly enough for the other two to hear. "No matter how much you or anyone else tries to hide it, they'll find out anyway. Why not get it over with right now?"

Shiori tilted her head towards Yoh. "I mean, Yamagatani-san already knows who was involved. Would you rather he track down Kandori-san to ask?"

The Shadow resonance remained. If anything, it was growing heavier.

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
"It's not our -place,-" Hitoshi remarks bluntly, "to tell them these things. Not that it's Kandori's place, either."

Truth be told, Hitoshi's own feet were still only just getting wet. He looks toward Shiori quietly, before looking back toward Shou and Yoh quietly. He bites his lip a little bit, sighing some and looking down. "I will not give you all the details," he finally states lightly, feeling that overbearing presence. If they pay attention, they'd catch the briefest, -briefest- moment of something -visibly- odd happening.

His eye color changes, for just a moment. Perhaps it was the light and the fact that he blinked when it happened. But, there was a warmth of his own resonance coming from him to push that darkness and foreboding back as he glances toward Shiori. "All I will say is that what Yamagatani-san saw was most likely real. And no, not everything is well in little rural Inaba. It's not in Port Island, either," he adds softly.

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou just...watches as the two of them start to put on whatever kind of freaky act this is becoming. It's just so much bantering about things barely referenced to. He leans forward onto his forearms and grimaces a bit, his confusion and slight disbelief becoming apparent. It's all so ridiculous, but dammit...

Though he's looking when the change happens, Shou doesn't completely register Hitoshi's eyes. More like a visual glitch, just a little thing, he thinks. He blinks once or twice. Bug, maybe, or the falling snow.

Shou just looks at Yoh plaintively when Hitoshi calls his fantasies real;really? Things are getting creepy, but they're still just people being creepy. But dammit if the comment about Inaba and Port Island doesn't unnerve him, doesn't cause his grimace to widen.

He looks back to Hitoshi and tilts his head slight to one side, his eyebrows mashing together in protest, in confusion, but all he can think to say is a doubting, but somehow pleading (him to make sense) "Come on..."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh Listens intently to Hitoshi. He was not expecting to actually say it was real. That is all he needed to hear to begin to worry. After all, he was at the scene of this happening, in plain view. So, people apparently did know about this... was it just something that accidentally broke out? Or was it widely known, and he was sheltered from it? Many things begin to swirl in his mind, many thoughts together, but nothing making sense as a whole.

Trying to remain as calm as possible, he slowly begins to stop being paranoid, almost returning to normal, having heard a definitive answer. While he was still wary that he might be falling into some sort of long joke, only five words seemed to make sense to say at the moment. Yoh finally speaks with his calm and collective, almost bolstering voice people are used to hearing of him. "...What do I do now?"

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Shiori listened quietly as Hitoshi explained, however vaguely, the situation in Inaba and Port Island. She smiled.

"And that's the way it is," she said, finally opening her eyes. There was nothing unusual about them, apart from the sleepy look that was a part of her facial structure. Brown, and affectionate, as she glanced at Hitoshi. The Shadow resonance disappeared, as though it had not been there. "Obviously, it's not the sort of thing that everyone knows about. But it /is/ real, Hamada-san."

She cocked her head at Yoh. "You? You don't do anything, Yamagatani-san. If you want to be safe, you will forget everything you saw, and stop thinking about it. If you want to be safe, you'll continue living your life in ignorance. Chances are you were just unlucky, although," Shiori's smile grew, "if you stay in the Okina area, these unfortunate accidents might happen quite frequently. So you should think of a reason to leave, if you want to be safe."

Shiori leaned back in her seat. "But people never want to be safe, do they?"

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
"Stay away from Tatsumi Port Island in and around the hour of midnight," Hitoshi simply states, "and do not watch television at the stroke of midnight in the Yasoinaba or Sumaru areas." Hitoshi's voice is blunt. Then, Shiori began to speak... and he looked over to her quietly.

He watched her for a moment... especially after her last thought. It sounded vaguely familiar for some reason...

Almost like something he had heard from the mouth of a member of Strega once. He sighs a little, and closes his eyes, before looking back to both of them.

"Shiori-chan is right," he tells them both. "But... Neither've you have ever... had strange dreams or anything, right? No... butterflies, or anything like that? ... A man with a hooked nose?" Hitoshi looks between them quietly.

"No. Y'know... I'm sorry. Forget it. -All- of it. It'll do you better to do that."

(((Shou Hamada poses.)))
Shou looks at them incredulously, each in turn. First Yoh as he asks for advice on his...spirit journey or whatever. For some reason this really irks him. Then when Shiori lectures them, tells him directly that 'It is real', talks like this is some big dangerous conspiracy, he shakes his head a little bit. Shou isn't bugged by much, but he hates feeling stupid. Useless, and played with. And the more the three of them play in on this, the more Shou feels something at the back of his head telling him there's something about them that means they're partially telling the truth, the more he starts to actually get very angry.

It's probably that hint of truth that most makes him feel stupid in the situation.

His chair screeches as he lifts from it suddenly, and he bites the words off of his tongue, "Yeah, I'll forget it. You guys have fun having a freaking Jedi adventure or something." He regrets each syllable as they come off of his tongue, suffers an awkward pause. "...Sorry, Yoh." Shou makes for the elevator at a brisk walk.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh waves to Shou as he leaves. "Goodbye, Hamada-san." He can't help but feel bad about Shou, it seems like he kinda pushed him away. But... he knows what he saw, it is hard to deny it after one sees what he saw.

He looks back at the other two and listens, though it will be hard for him to 'just forget' what he saw. On the other hand, the did sounds like they know about this, so it may just be best to do that. He nods to the two left, smiling slightly. "Forget it? I... I will try to." Seeing someone's arm almost come off from a large ice spike will be hard, but not impossible. It may be for the best, though... he has ran into the girl quite often. In the back of his mind, he wonders what his next encounter will be like...

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Shiori started giggling quietly when Hitoshi warned the others about midnight in both Port Island and Inaba, which quickly became a full-blown laugh when Shou stiffly made his exit. She had to grab Hitoshi's arm for support, wheezing from her outburst.

"Oh, Hitoshi-kun," she gasped, "I love you so, but sometimes you have /no idea/." She pointed at Shou's retreating back. "He's going to try to look for more information about what we just said. He's going to find it out, and he's going to get into trouble." For some reason Shiori seemed unperturbed by the danger Shou could eventually find himself in.

She shook her head, trying to settle down. "Sorry about that, Yamagatani-san; it's not you, or Hamada-san, I'm laughing at. I've just been in situations like this so many times before, and no matter what I said, no matter how I phrased it, no matter how much I tried to dissuade people, everyone just leaps straight into danger anyway." She affected a high-pitched voice. "'Don't be at Port Island at midnight!'" Down to a low, husky parody of a male voice. "'Sure, I won't'." Back to her normal voice. "And then they do it anyway. Hitoshi-kun, I know that you're trying your best, and I love you for it, but..."

She wiped away tears of mirth, and stretched. "It feels /so/ much better to just let people do what they want, with the information they have. It'll all turn out the same way in the end."

Abruptly, all hints of amusement disappeared, like a mask falling away, as Shiori fixed Hitoshi with a sad look, before closing her eyes. "I should know."

(((Hitoshi Taniguchi poses.)))
The shadow was coming back. Hitoshi could sort of tell... the way she was acting.

His eyes turned to watch Hamada walking away now, and he bit his bottom lip a little bit. His eyes cut toward Shiori, clasping his arm. ... God, she -is- crazy...

His eyes then go to Yoh, and he nods a little bit. "S'right," he finally states softly. "Forget it. Don't let it bother you anymore."

Elevator doors silently slide cleanly shut as Shou disappears from view, his face screwed up in some kind of multifaceted frustration.

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Something appears to be ticking in Yoh's mind. Finishing off his cocoa, and batting his finger about while trying to think. If one were to see inside his mind, he is trying to connect the strange information that he has received over the days. While not the smartest kid, he does have his father's mental capacity. "I... think I get it... sort of." he says, finally putting a few of the many pieces of this strange occult based puzzle together. He rubs his chin gently, squinting his eyes not at Hitoshi and Shiori, but past them as if staring into nothingness.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
Crazy, and broken, by so many times of people ignoring her warnings and poking into matters they shouldn't have. Sometimes, it was much easier to let the Shadow out to deal with the frustration and the anger.

Especially when it all came rushing out again, at Hitoshi making the exact same mistakes she had.

"Remind me to tell you the story of why I left SEES, sometime," she said to Hitoshi, still clinging onto his arm, eyes still closed. Strangely, the Shadow resonance, while more than when she had kept it tucked away, was still subdued.

On an impulse, she pulled herself up for a peck on his cheek. "Maybe you'll learn something I didn't get the chance to."

She bestowed a happy smile at Yoh. "And Yamagatani-san, when you get to the end of your inevitable investigative trail, please watch out for Kandori-san. He's a lot more dangerous than he seems." Pause. "Well, technically so am I, but not as much as he is."

(((Yoh Yamagatani poses.)))
Yoh smiles, and nods to the two remaining. "Don't worry. I do enjoy fighting, but I know when to keep my nose out of business," he says confidently. "I appreciate the information, and will use it to better myself... hopefully."

The boy slowly stands up, and prepares himself to go outside. "Well, hopefully our next visit will be under... better circumstances." He bows politely to the two before heading towards the elevator. Deep in his gut, he regretted divulging the information of what happened to folks that weren't aware, but they seemed to know much about what had happened. Perhaps this 'magic' was more widespread than originally thought. In the back of his mind, he wondered what would happen if while fighting ruffians that he may come across someone with those powers, and what may ensue.

Of course, some magic cannot stand against the power of a metal bolt-scored fist. Yoh smirked at the thought as the doors shut.

(((Shiori Hibiki poses.)))
"Bye, Yamagatani-san!" Shiori called after him, waving cheerfully.

Settling back, she smiled. Whatever Shou and Yoh decided to do, it was up to them. Shiori had merely facilitated their discovery of the truth. Maybe Hitoshi would get into trouble for this, which was the one tarnished spot of the day, but surely they could work around it somehow.

It was a cold day, but Shiori had her boyfriend here, next to her. She snaked an arm around his back, and pulled herself closer, as her Shadow resonance receded, but did not fully disappear.


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