Persona Ideas

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Revision as of 03:43, 14 December 2011 by Strangeshrimp (Talk | contribs)

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This is the page for all those neat ideas for personas we find in research but cannot use. The creator of this page is organizing by general concept/theme, which may or may not work. Please add on personas and concepts! And beautify this page.


Name Mythology Description
Arkan Sonney Manx A long-haired fairy pig. It's said that anyone who catches one is blessed with good fortune, though they run from humans.


Name Mythology Description
Black Dog British Isles A large black dog, said to foretell a person's death. There are various names for the dogs, depending on the location.
Macaria Greek Either the daughter of Hercules who sacrificed her life for her city, or the counterpart of Thanatos who brought good death.
Maximón Mayan/Catholic BLURB
Melinoe Greek Daughter of Persephone who wandered the earth with a retinue of ghosts every night.
Meng Po Chinese Folk Religion Serves the Tea of Forgetfulness to souls before reincarnation, so that they may not remember their previous lives.
Mors Roman BLURB
San La Muerte Mesoamerican/Catholic BLURB
Santa Muerte Mesoamerican/Catholic BLURB


Centzon Totochtin - Aztec


Glashtyn- Manx

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