Mikage is the younger of a set of fraternal twin girls born illegitimately to a government official and influential member of the New World Order. She and her sister, Mitsuki, were in the care of nannies most of the time and they rarely saw him. Despite this, she spent the majority of her life trying to please her father, desperately wanting his recognition and approval. She worked hard to earn her father’s respect but always seemed to be outshined by her sister and because of this their relationship is strained. Her mood can be very unpredictable and there seems to be a great deal of pain behind her cold and indifferent eyes.
Overshadowing Darkness, The Smaller Twin, Daddy Dearest, So, Tell Me About - Ooh, Shiny!, Don’t Be Afraid It Won’t Hurt, Fast Talker, Talks Too Much, Drinks A Lot, Drinking Is Totally A Hobby, Doesn’t Like You Or Your Face, Fear Of Abandonment, Forgets Easily, Battle Within, Who Am I?, Black Swan, Do These Feathers Make Me Look Fat?