Chisaki Tohsaki is a third year student at Gekkoukan High, who joined the Special Extracurricular Extermination Squad. She found her calling in firing homemade ammunition into the creatures of darkness, and hasn't looked back since. Her time in SEES, not to mention the friends she made there, has made her relax and open up a lot more. It has also brought out an overzealous and headstrong streak that she had previously hidden from others. She still goes out at night, but not alone nearly as often, carrying an arsenal of homemade weaponry, a trusty baseball bat, and her Evoker.
Fast Thousand, The Goggles Protect Your Eyes In the Event of Jet Pack Mishaps, Concealed Weaponry and Interior Design, Graceful and Ladylike In All She Does (Really!), Poor Choice of Teddy Bears