Kohaku Tsukino

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Officer Kohaku Tsukino
Not a detective!
Full Name Kohaku Tsukino (月野 琥珀)
Arcana The Moon
Persona Chanakya
Nature Persona-User
Gender Male
Age 32
Birth Date May 8, 1979
Blood Type O
Preferred Weapon Police Baton
Faction NWO
Assignment Sumaru Police, Major Property
Origin OC
Social Stats
  • Expression: Rough (1)
    • Flattering: Pro Bootlicker (4)
    • Intimidation: Still a Cop (2)
  • Knowledge: Getting By (2)
    • Criminal: Does Dirty Deeds (3)
    • Occult: Newborn Shoggoth (1)
  • Courage: Tough Guy (3)
    • Superiors: ...mostly (1)
  • Understanding: Detective-ish (2)
  • Diligence: Does His Homework (3)
I'm willing to discuss a deal to make this go away. What's you're pleasure, sir?"
Officer Tsukino is a uniformed cop in the Sumaru precincts, walking a standard beat for major property crimes. While his record is officially spotless, rumors have dogged him about his relationship with unsavory activities, and apparently those rumors have derailed any chance he once had of becoming a detective. Even still, he is a valuable member of the force, and he is willing to help with any number of problems, assuming you contact him the right way.
Knows Police Procedures, Knows How to Bend Police Procedures, I Am Not The Law, But I Am Good At Faking It, Illegal Goods Delivered in 30 Hours or Less, Dirty Deeds Done (Not So) Dirt Cheap, I Think At Least One Of Us Is Mad
Chanakya was the adviser to Chandragupta Maruya, the man who conquered most of the Indian subcontinent during the time of Alexander the Great. To this day, his charge's empire remains the largest empire to have ever existed in the region. In his role as advisor, he promoted spycraft, deception, and any number of the other deceptive arts of a large state. Historians have called him the Machiavelli of his time.
Social Links
    • Tatsuya Sudou: Kohaku's boss, and the man who told him what exactly these persona things are and got him involved in a brand new world. He has helped Kohaku is so many ways. Kohaku is scared shitless of the man.
To be added
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