Template:Alt Char Infobox/doc

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To use just simply copy and paste the following information into your character page. Not every field has to be filled out or included. Just use the ones appropriate to your character/the ones you can be bothered to fill.

{{Alt Char Infobox
|imgbgcolor= This is the background color of the image box. 
             Insert the hex number for the color you want to use. 
             The default is FFFFFF (aka White). 
|bgcolor= This is the background color of the box. 
          Insert the hex number for the color you want to use. 
          The default is FFFFFF (aka White). 
|headcolor= This is the background color of the header. 
            Insert the hex number for the color you want to use. 
            The default is A6A6A6 (aka a light gray). 
|headtext= This is the color of the header text. 
           Insert the hex number for the color you want to use. 
           The default is 000000 (aka Black). 
|image= Please do not make your image any larger than 300 pixels in width. It'll break the box's alignment. 
        To set the size of your image, just type 'filename.jpg {{!}} 300px'. 
        You can replace '300' with any number under 300.
        Warning. Reducing images this way will disrupt the image quality. 
        Best practice is simply to shrink it using a graphic editing program. 
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